Crowley ISD
Read more about who represents you in the Crowley school district. You can also learn more about the resources, demographics, and how to take action in Crowley ISD!
facts about Crowley isd
Operation Budget
- Hispanic 33%
- White 13.1%
- African American 45.2%
- Asian 4.3%
- Pacific Islander 0.2%
- American Indian 0.3%
- Two or More Races 3.9%
School Board Meetings
The Carroll ISD Board of Trustees intends to every other Thursday at 6pm.
School superintendents work with the school board to develop goals for the district. They also provide leadership and oversee the educational enterprise in the district. The superintendent is hired by the school board and is not a voting member of the school board.
In larger school districts, superintendents may have assistant, deputy, or associate superintendents in charge of particular divisions, such as curriculum or technology.
The average Superintendent salary in Crowley ISD is $383,093.
School superintendents work with the school board to develop goals for the district. They also provide leadership and oversee the educational enterprise in the district. The superintendent is responsible for managing day-to-day operations, preparing and administering the district’s budget, organizing the district’s central administration, and ensuring that the district focuses on its primary mission—student academic achievement and progress.
The superintendent is hired by the school board. While the board’s focus is governance and oversight of management, the superintendent’s focus is on implementation and management. In larger school districts, superintendents may have assistant, deputy, or associate superintendents in charge of particular divisions, such as curriculum or technology.
In general terms, the superintendent’s responsibilties are:
Policy development and implementation
The superintendent advises the school board on the need for new policies based on input from staff and advisory committees, legislators, and state agency staff. Following the superintendent’s policy recommendation, if the board adopts the policy, the superintendent develops and implements appropriate procedures to satisfy the requirements of the new policy.
The superintendent provides administrative leadership and manages district day-to-day operations.
Recommendation and evaluation of staff
The superintendent recommends staff to be hired; is responsible for performance evaluations; and makes suggestions for renewal, nonrenewal, and dismissal of staff (as provided by policy).
The superintendent prepares a budget, makes revisions as requested by the board, administers the board-adopted budget, and makes purchasing decisions as defined by board policy and budget constraints.
Facilities planning
The superintendent leads the administrative effort to plan for, operate, maintain, evaluate, and supervise improvements to school and district facilities.
The superintendent communicates with a diverse range of individuals and groups, such as legislators, the Texas Education Agency, the regional education service center, parents, board members, principals, attorneys, teachers, local business owners, and the media.
Crowley ISD School Board
Here are your school board trustees who are elected to represent your voice in Crowley ISD. The school board oversees and manages the public school district’s affairs, personnel, and properties. As well as ensuring the superintendent implements and monitors district operations.
It is important the school board represents and advocates for the community’s diverse beliefs and values to serve ALL students.
School board members are not paid.
Local school board responsibilities can be grouped into five categories:
- Adopt goals and priorities and monitor success
- Adopt policies and review for effectiveness
- Hire and evaluate the superintendent
- Adopt a budget and set a tax rate
- Communicate with the community
The operation of the school district at the local level is also a shared activity. The role of the school board members and the role of the superintendent are different:
- Your school board governs the district, but it does so with the advice of the superintendent.
- The superintendent manages the district, but he or she must do so with the oversight and management of the board, and within the framework of policies and priorities your board adopts.
May 6th Elections!
Learn more about who is running in the upcoming School Board elections.
Here are the qualifications for what it takes to run for the School Board.
Resident of Texas
for at least 12 consecutive months
Resident of the District
for at least six consecutive months
Registered to vote
in the area from which the office is elected for six months immediately preceding the following date
Not convicted of a felony
from which they have not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities
Have not been determined by a final judgment of a court
exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
Cities in Crowley ISD
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